Sausage Cups

Christmas morning comes with so many wonderful things. The sounds of laughter,
the looks of anticipation, the sleepy-eyed parents (and teens), and the pitter
patter of little feet before sunrise. Of course, once the wrapping paper is
scattered and stockings are empty, you will begin to hear the rumble of hungry
bellies. Maybe you change it up every year or maybe you have a tradition that is
etched in the family stone, but not matter what you serve, Christmas morning
breakfast is nearly as important as Christmas dinner.
One item that we have consistently served in our house on Christmas morning is
our grandmother’s sausage biscuit cups. It requires only four ingredients and
though it is very simple, the most “difficult” part can be done the day before.
Below you will find the recipe for these Christmas morning Sausage cups. If you
plan ahead, you can brown the sausage and mix the milk and cheese the night
before. Put it in an airtight container and refrigerate until the next morning. Once
presents are opened, all you have to do is open the biscuits and fill each muffin
tin with the prepped sausage mixture.
Whether pairing with a four-course breakfast, or serving proudly with cold milk
and leftover cookies, your family will be excited to try this Christmas morning
special. We hope you all enjoy them as much as we have over the years!
1 lb sausage
1/2 can evaporated milk
1 cup cheddar cheese
Canned biscuits
- Preheat oven 350 F
- Cook sausage, thoroughly, on stove.
- Mix cooked sausage, evaporated milk, and cheddar cheese in bowl.
- Split individual canned biscuits in half.
- Line muffin pans with 1/2 a biscuit.
- Place a medium scoop of sausage filling into the middle of the biscuit dough.
- Bake for 10-12 min or until golden brown.