Storybook Season

Last February, I did a little write-up with some of our favorite books. Last week, as the evening autumn sun soaked through the glass in my daughter's room, I knew the season of snuggling up and reading a good book was back! We pulled out a pile of our favorite books and then dove in to read as many as possible! As I brainstormed ideas for the blog this week, the pile of books still graced the side table, and I knew just the thing—a list of ten children's storybooks we are loving right now.
There is nothing like a fun trip to the bookstore, but in our experience, we find the average children's storybook is $6-$10 cheaper on Amazon, and if your schedule is like ours, they will show up on your doorstep before you make time to go.
Below are ten recommendations for books to read to your kids. Build a pillow fort, grab a fuzzy blanket, crack the window, and let the gentle sounds of rustling leaves be the backdrop for your long afternoon reads with your family!
10 Storybooks to read on a cozy evening
Our animal friends
This is the newest addition to our bookshelf. Maybe I am biased because we live on a farm, but the quaint charm and honesty found between these pages will surely capture the attention of you and your littles alike. It has a silly, sweet, and irresistible way of introducing you to each and every animal friend on Maple Hill Farm.
What The Road Said not only boasts beautiful illustrations, it demonstrates the beautiful path that life takes you on as you walk the "road". The main character is a child who is walking on a road and asking the road "what if" questions. The road is personified and offers inspirational answers. It's a nightstand favorite around here.
The fate of fausto
Look no further if you want a quick read with a quirky and unexpected ending. The first time we read The Fate of Fausto we couldn't believe how it ended! Fausto is an arrogant man who thinks the whole world belongs to him, and he claims each piece he wants until one piece finally stands up and tells him no.
The honeybee
Paintings of vibrant flowers fill each page of this bright book, written with lines of easy-going poetry. Your eyes will dance all over the pages as you follow the honeybees to and fro around the fields, all while learning a thing or two about our little buzzing friends, the honeybee. Pull up a video about honeybees once you finish turning the pages to make it all come to life!
Extra yarn
Speaking of cozy, Extra Yarn is set in a cold, snowy town where warm fires, knit sweaters, and mittens are a must. The whole town is bathed in dark buildings contrasted by white snow, so when the main character discovers a never-ending box of colorful yarn, the story begins to take color. This will make for the perfect snow-day read! Grab it now, and stash it away for the first blanket of white snow.
press here
Press Here is so unexpected I can hardly imagine how to describe it! The book is filled only with white and black pages and colored dots. It prompts where to press or what to do with the book; then you turn the page. When you turn the page, the dots have responded to your actions. While I realize this write-up does very little to convince the purchasers to indulge, it is a good time. I firmly believe that the silly antics of Press Here will amuse every toddler. Still, I am here to tell you that my 14-year-old read it twice in the bookstore (It is conveniently written in a loop style, so the last page is followed sequentially by the first. Consider this your warning!) *chanting* "Again! Again! Again!"
my pony
Do all little girls love horses? This soft bedtime story is about a little girl and her beautiful imaginary horse that takes her on adventures in her imagination. There is no doubt your little girl will be drifting off to the gentle ride of an elegant pony after you finish this one.
henry's awful mistake
Henry is a duck with one goal- to prepare a lovely dinner for his friend Clara. However, a pesky ant invades his cooking space, and Henry cannot let it be- it must go! In an effort to rid his home of the intruder, Henry manages not only to spoil his dinner but also the very walls of his quaint home. By the time Clara arrives for dinner, Henry is in a sorry state, but all is not lost, and Henry will rebuild his house and try hosting dinner again.
my lucky day
My lucky day was a favorite of our middle daughter when she was younger! In this surprising storybook, a cute little pig hedges his bets against a hungry fox. The big question is, who is having the lucky day? The fox or the piglet? Grab a copy and find out!
Giggle, Giggle Quack is award-winning for a reason. This children's book is one of many by the same author who writes fun and interactive books that wildly personify a barn full of animals on Farmer Brown's farm. Once you dive into and meet Duck, the most mischievous resident on the farm, you and your kiddos will return for more and more!